When last I added to this record, I spoke of the reaping of financial benefits; but what, the reader may ask, are the benefits of such benefits? What, in a…
Piracy, one usually thinks, is a matter of buckled swashes and grappling hooks and cannonballs, with smoke and shouting and the acrid carbon sting of powder-smoke wreathing everything in merry…
When I left off this narrative, I had disembarked from the port in Ancient Alexandria in an English yacht bound from Paris to the Polynesian Islands. As the ship was…
Today was, as you might expect, a Tuesday much like any other. I awoke swaddled in coarse wool and broken pottery and performed my morning rituals (which one day I…
I had intended to spend Saturday evening having dinner with old friends in the distant future, on the far edge of the Galaxy. You know, typical Saturday. I stopped in…